Information Technology

Information Technology

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Future Tech Career Institute

What Network Systems Administrators Do

Network systems administrators typically do the following: Determine an organization’s system needs and install network hardware and software Make needed upgrades and repairs to networks and ensure that systems are operating correctly Maintain network and computer system security Evaluate and optimize network or system performance Add users to a network, and assign and update security...

Why You Need to Earn CompTIA A+ Certificate?

The IT industry is evolving every day. One way to stay up to date with these changes is to obtain your certificates, such as CompTIA A+ Certificate. Here are a few reasons why a CompTIA A+ Certificate is important for your IT career. 1. Boosts Your IT Career “In any other field, you opt for...

What is Microsoft Sharepoint?

Have you heard of Microsoft Sharepoint but still not sure what’s it is used for? Sharepoint is a document and collaboration tool developed by Microsoft. SQL is a special purpose program language also designed by Microsoft to handle data in relational database management systems. With our industry recognized certifications you can start right away in...

Why Get Cisco Certified?

Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT) The CCENT certification validates the skills required for entry-level network support positions, the starting point for many successful careers in networking. CCENT certified professionals have the knowledge and skill to install, operate, and troubleshoot a small enterprise branch network, including basic network security. The CCENT certification opens doors to...
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