The Lab of the Future: How New Tech Like Robotics Balances with COVID Realities
What will the laboratory of the future look like, especially when dealing with post-COVID realities? Given the current situation of working during a pandemic, we really do need to be innovative in our how we design labs today for use tomorrow. https://www.roboticstomorrow.com/story/2020/08/the-lab-of-the-future-how-new-tech-like-robotics-balances-with-covid-realities/15582/...
10 Tips for Remote Job Interviews
The coronavirus has drastically changed the process of interviewing, hiring, and onboarding new recruits. But there are organizations and people with extensive experience in this very situation. https://medium.com/pcmag-access/10-tips-for-remote-job-interviews-e4bd070588ed...
Online job fair to offer Michigan students career tips during COVID-19 pandemic
KALAMAZOO, Mich. — Starting Monday, July 13, 2020, Job Shadow Week was expected to go virtual to reach as many students as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic, including students in West Michigan. https://wwmt.com/news/local/online-job-fair-to-offer-michigan-students-career-tips-during-covid-19-pandemic...
Double down on learning and development now
During times of financial uncertainty, many companies look for ways to cut back costs – and learning and development budgets are often the first to go, according to Training Zone. But as blogger Lisa Gillespie writes, “This is a false economy. We must continue to learn or we stagnate.” https://www.smartbrief.com/original/2020/07/double-down-learning-and-development-now...
QY Research added a new research report to its exhaustive repository. The research report, titled , presents an unbiased approach at understanding the market trends and dynamics. https://bulletinline.com/2020/07/11/instructional-design-software-market-opportunities-2020-2026-with-industry-size-competitor-analysis-and-regional-demand-articulate-360-adobe-captivate-dominknow/...
This research report studies and gauges through the current market forces that replicate growth trajectory and holistic growth trends. https://3wnews.org/uncategorised/2458990/global-medical-coding-and-billing-services-market-2025-corporate-overview-financial-summary-and-swot-analysis-startek-health-oracle-verisk-analytics-aviacode-maxim-health-information-services-et-3/...
Microsoft to replace MCSA, MCSD, and MCSE with role-based certifications
Microsoft announced on Feb. 27 that its role-based certificates will replace existing Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA), Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD), and Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE) certificates on June 30, 2020. https://www.itbusiness.ca/news/microsoft-to-replace-mcsa-mcsd-and-mcse-with-role-based-certifications/114397...
How Machine Learning Is Powering A New Generation Of App Development
Ever since the introduction of computers, the primary objective of their evolution has been to take arduous calculations off our plates. It meant automating tasks that would otherwise take us a long time. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2020/08/03/how-machine-learning-is-powering-a-new-generation-of-app-development/#725b1bd72a88...
Photoshop for iPad inches closer to the desktop version
Adobe Photoshop iPadOS gains two new features: refine edge, for faster and more accurate selections, and rotate canvas, giving users more control over their workspaces. https://appleinsider.com/articles/20/07/27/photoshop-for-ipad-comes-inches-closer-to-the-desktop-version...